Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Things Women Look For in a Man

 Most women look for very similar things when looking for a man. The type of man she wants in regards to interests, career, goals, and past may vary, but there are a lot of qualities that every woman wants in a man.

It also depends on what type of relationship the woman is looking for in her life. Women looking for a partner just for sex will want something completely different out of a man then a woman looking for a potential husband. So depending on what kind of relationship you want and she wants, there are some qualities to let shine through.

A Woman Looking For a Casual Relationship

There are many single women who are independent and feel good on their own, but still would like a man for sexual reasons. When she wants a casual relationship with a man then she will be looking for independence and maturity. She will want a man who has his own life and can handle her having her own life as well. And of course she will be looking for a man who knows what he`s doing in bed. The whole point of a causal relationship is pleasure, so he better be able to bring it!

A Woman Looking To Date a Man

This woman will be looking for a man who has all the right qualities to add something to her life. Most women don`t start looking for a semi-serious relationship unless they feel it can add value to their life. A sense of humor to make her feel good and the ability to lift her spirits up and brighten her day is a must in this man. She must also see potential for a long-term partner just in case she decides that's what she wants, but potential is really all she's looking for in that  regards because the qualities are not forthright in her mind yet.

A Woman Looking For a Long-Term Partner

This woman is not just looking to date someone for a while. Her intention is to find a life-long partner. She is going to have an extensive list of qualities that she is looking for and there are many different variables depending on the woman. But there are many qualities that every woman wants in a man including:

Loving - A man who loves her unconditionally.
Caring - A man who cares about her needs and wants in life.
Understanding - A man who understands her needs and wants in life.
Compassionate - A man who treats her well and has compassion towards her and others.
Confident - A man who she doesn't have to mother or babysit in life.
Goal orientated - A man who has dreams and desires and direction in life.
Passionate - A man who gets up and lives life to the fullest.
Tender - A man who understands that romancing her is something she needs in life.
Positive - A man who can see the good in life and avoid negative traps of despair.

You can tell what kind of man most women are looking for by the questions they ask you and conversations they have with you. If she is asking deeper and more intimate questions then there's a good chance that she is looking for something a little more serious. But if she asks less personable questions and keeps the conversation light and in the moment then she is probably not trying to see if you are commitment material.

Things Women Look For in a Man by Bellaisa Filippis

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