Monday, November 26, 2012

3 Common Reasons For Relationship Breakdown

 Divorce is on the rise and has been for a while, at the same time there are less marriages going on each year and it is seriously looking like the world is heading towards being a society of singles. Great for the dating scene perhaps, but if all you want is to find someone to date long term and maybe settle down with and start a happily ever after, something must be done.
The best way to give your relationships the best chance of success to is learn from other peoples mistakes (and perhaps your own), so here are 3 ideas for some mistakes you might like to avoid:

Letting Arguments Drag On

In relationships arguments happen, no matter how compatible you are you and your partner will fall out from time to time. This is natural enough and certainly isn’t a good reason to break up. The problem comes when arguments drag on. Arguments that start with annoyance can quickly become bitter and feelings can be hurt.
Learning to apologise, empathise and move on, even if you think you are in the right is just as important as being able to admit when you are wrong.

Failing To Share

Most problems that lead to a break up, or even a divorce start off small. No one goes from euphoric happiness to wanting to quit dating overnight. If you want to get past the flirting stage and build a lasting relationship, learning to share you problems whilst still small is super important.

Failing To Be Shared To

Just like the point above, when you start dating you need to set a culture of sharing and ensure that your partner feels safe to share problems with you. If you are the brash sort who reacts badly to criticism and goes on the offensive you will make it hard for anyone to be open with you.
Relationship breakdowns happen all the time where one half of the partnership thinks everything is going swimmingly. It’s not always for this failure to be approachable, but often it is and it’s not a nice feeling.
All relationships take work, day in day out you have to make the effort to spend time together and to enjoy doing so. That doesn’t mean you have to try to enjoy each other’s company if you don’t (if that is the case you probably should break up), but remembering to allow yourselves time to de-stress and relax together is the key – if you can’t do that you have to wonder what the point is really.

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3 Common Reasons For Relationship Breakdown by blarticle

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