Saturday, December 29, 2012

How to Talk Dirty to Men

Dirty talk is a type of pillow talk. You use vivid words to augment sexual enjoyment before and during the lovemaking.

Talking dirty to men can be anything from giving him insults, vivid images using slang words, to whispering curse expressions to your guy's ear.

If you feel timid about it, don't be; only the two of you who will be aware of it.

The more you'll let go, the better you will be. Your couple's life should be hot and wild. It's a form of 'sense of adventure' that you are giving to your guy.

You might say that you are a 'good girl' and you don't do those things. Well here is my take on this; if you have preferences in bed, and your spouse is giving enough to fulfill them, maybe I can do my part.

Some guys find it makes them hornier. You can harvest the rewards from this lover's game. It makes you feel sexier because you are seeing your man enjoy himself due to your influence. You are providing your guy more excitement.

Lovemaking is at its best when you let go; abandon yourself to the other person is a joyful experience.
Some women use this not only in the bedroom, but in their husband's e-mail or work's voice mail.

Your guy gets excited to get home and gives you a nice 'reward'.

What is the top thing to say when talking dirty to men?

1. Tell him what you're wearing under your clothing.
2. Put on sexy lingerie and give him a tiny peek when he first sees you. It'll drive him mad to want to see more of your outfit all night...until you allow him to see more.
3. Leave him a voice message when he is away
4. at a gathering
5. at your parent's house when you go by him
6. right before parting for work
7. Email him some sassy notes
8. Fax it to him
9. Throw hot little texts on his cell phone while is at a sports game with his buddies

It will heat up if you are talking dirty to men at unusual places like:

1. Your parent's house
2. at the food store
3. at church?...ok...ok...after church

When is the most excellent timing for this during lovemaking?

From the mid to the end.

You start by telling a physical move that he has made to you and that you had enjoyed. Don't worry about feeling embarrassed; he will be more paying attention in the images that you are creating in his imagination.

Are you concerned that you won't be excellent at this?

Guys are not hard to light up. It doesn't take a great deal for them to get turned on.

If you feel uncomfortable, get some help with a glass or two of wine... Just to break the ice. But please! Don't develop a drinking problem!

Having trouble 'getting it up'? Talking dirty to men might be able to help.

Use this once in a while; they can get too enthusiastic to this. in addition, some men can be a bit turned off or uncomfortable with you unexpectedly starting to talk dirty to them.

You can propose to him to do the alike and it will balance the dynamics.

You can get swear words at the Urban dictionary. It is a slang dictionary. You'll be able to get different variations of a slang word.

For instance, let's find a variation of breast; there is boobie, nipples, boobs, funbags, just to show a few. Use it to your imagination. Have fun!
How to Talk Dirty to Men by Caroline Therancy

Make Your Ex Miss You in 4 Easy Steps

After a relationship crumbles sooner than you would like, you might find yourself thinking and missing your ex like crazy. Making your ex miss you and winning your ex back does not need to be complicated, but it does require you to have the right frame of mind. Instead of thinking about 'wanting them back' or how to 'win them over', consider thinking they already miss you. They really DO want you back. They really just want to test you to see how you really feel about them. Remember, adopt empowering thinking and in time they will 'truly' miss you.

Here are the 4 easy steps you need to follow:

Step 1:

Absence makes the heart grow fonder. The first easy way to make your ex miss you is to disappear completely. They will definitely miss you, even if it's only out of curiosity.

Step 2:

If disappearing is out of the question, make yourself scarce instead. Your ex will probably expect you to wallow around depressed over them, so you need to become elusive. Get active. Go out a lot. Be seen everywhere having fun or at least looking like you are fine with the break up. You don't need to start dating people, although you could if you really want. Just don't expect making your ex jealous will automatically make them come back to you.

Step 3:

By this stage, the message you want your ex to have is you are no longer accessible to them. They broke up with you so they are no longer entitled to all your attention and energy. However, NEVER appear spiteful, rude or vindictive. You still want to show your ex you care about them. Your actions have nothing to do with wanting them back or wanting to make them jealous.

Step 4:

The few times you do get to talk to your ex, make sure you appear upbeat and happy to see them. This shouldn't be hard. Just think about how much you miss seeing and talking to them. They will see you still care about them and if they start looking for you, this means you've succeeded in making them miss you!

So now that your ex is probably missing you like crazy, wondering where you are, what you could be doing, why you're having so much fun without them. How do you get them back without accidentally saying or doing the wrong things that could push them further away?

Once your ex is missing you, there are certain things you can say that will make them fall in love with you again. They will think of you as a prospective partner and this will happen whether they have someone new or not.

Make Your Ex Miss You in 4 Easy Steps by Katie Wang

Sunday, December 2, 2012

What is the True Meaning of Love in a Relationship

Can anyone define the true meaning of love in a relationship? People often use the word 'love' casually in everyday conversation. 'I love this house. I love my dog. I love to grow vegetables.' What does this really mean? When we use this word so often does its meaning become watered down so it has less impact? Different people may define love in different ways.

Could love be defined as simply to want and hope the best for someone?  This is fairly simplistic and not very deep.  If this was the definition of love can it explain the deep emotional bond that two people have with each other; those that commit themselves to one another for a lifetime?  Not likely.  You can want and hope the best for dozens of people that you know.  Does this mean you are 'in love' with them?  This may be too simple to define the true meaning of love in a relationship.

If you say you are in love with someone does that bring forth certain assumptions about your feelings for that person?  When people say they are in love we assume that they care for, share with and trust the other person.  Are these three things the basis for defining love?

Sometimes that fine line between friendship and love becomes difficult to distinguish.  Think about the different aspects of the definition of love that I've listed already - to want and hope the best for someone; to care for, share with and trust someone.  These things could define friendship as well, couldn't they?  If we use the same words to define love and friendship then how can we distinguish between the two?

I think the definition of love goes much deeper than what is mentioned above.  These criteria are components of love but they do not fully define it.  There is something else that makes up the true meaning of love in a relationship.  This may be something intangible; a feeling that you have that can't be accurately described in words.  In any relationship you can develop and work on the caring, sharing and trust.  You can't force that special feeling that you have when you are truly in love with someone.  It's either there or it isn't. 

What is the True Meaning of Love in a Relationship by Peter Harris

Will My Girlfriend Give Me Another Chance- Tips on Getting Your Girlfriend Back

Will your girlfriend give you another chance? The answer is simple. Yes, she will! But only when you follow certain steps effectively. So, what I'm going to share with you are some tips on getting your girlfriend back. That way, you'll have a clear answer to your question, 'will my girlfriend give me another chance'.

Whatever your circumstance is with your girlfriend, if you take the right steps, you can get her back. It may not be easy at first and it may not be quick and fast, but be patient. If she's worth it, you'll do whatever it takes to get her back and win her love back.

The first thing you should do to get your girlfriend to give you another chance is to reduce contact with her and agree with the breakup. I know this may seem counter productive, but hear me out. When you agree to the breakup, she'll be surprise. She may be breaking up with you to prove a point or to make you jealous.

So, by agreeing to the breakup, you'll shock her. This is highly effective at getting your girlfriend back.

What you want to do when telling her you agree with the breakup is to be calm and collected. You want to play it as freedom for you. Almost like it's a good thing that you two are breaking up.

If you're pass this point of talking to your girlfriend or if she won't answer your phone calls, send her a hand-written letter. Inside the letter you want to let your girlfriend know that she's right about the breakup and that you're ok with it.

This is your opening move. And will be extremely help at getting her to give you another chance.

While waiting for her response, go out and have fun. Call up some of your friends and go out. You don't need to be in the house, sitting around waiting. Once she gets your letter, she'll call you or write you back.

These are a couple ways of getting your girlfriend back. Use these tips to get your girlfriend to give you another chance.

Will My Girlfriend Give Me Another Chance- Tips on Getting Your Girlfriend Back by Tony Smith

How to Make Your Boyfriend Love You More - Relationship Advice For Women

Learning how to make your boyfriend love you more is something virtually all women yearn for. It's not uncommon to be in a relationship with a man and to feel that you love him considerably more than he loves you. These feelings often develop if you sense that the emotional connection between you two isn't balanced. Perhaps he doesn't say he loves you as often as you do or he doesn't show it in the ways you want. There are things you can do to get him to fall deeper in love with you and they're both easy and effective.

Knowing how to make your boyfriend love you more starts with understanding exactly what appeals to men. Regardless of how old a man is or how long he's been in a relationship he wants one thing and that's to be accepted and loved by his woman. He wants to feel as though your love makes him a better man. You can ensure this happens with your boyfriend by telling him how much you value him and showing him how much you need him. Ask him to help you with things and then show your gratitude when he does. If he feels like your knight in shining armor, he'll treat you like a queen forever.

You can also create a deeper bond with the man you loveby giving him his freedom. As women, it's so easy to fall into the trap of wanting to keep our boyfriends as close to us as possible. Most of us deal with insecurities and those can translate into tension within the relationship. If you nag your boyfriend about his desire to want to hang out with his friends, he's going to start to resent you. Knowing how to make your boyfriend love you more includes understanding that he needs time to himself to pursue his own interests. If you can show him that you trust him and you feel confident that he loves you, he'll find you completely irresistible.

How to Make Your Boyfriend Love You More - Relationship Advice For Women by Gillian Reynolds

Friday, November 30, 2012

Long Distance Relationships: How to Keep the Love Alive

Is your long distance relationship thriving...or just surviving? Are you madly in love with someone but cannot find a way to live in the same city? How do you support your relationship when you have very real physical distance between you?

I have seen couples fall apart because they could not sustain their relationship due to the distance between them, and I have seen others who find creative, romantic ways to keep the love alive. I know people who had a long distance relationship for years, complained about it, and finally got together in the same city, only to break up months after they lived near each other. Some people have long distance relationships and like it that way. And some couples don't like the distance at all, but manage to still stay close. How do they do that?

Here are some of the challenges that exist when you have an out-of-town romance, and what you can do about it:

* Commitment
If you have just met, take care to spend enough time to truly know each other before you get in a committed relationship. There is no substitute for face-to-face communication. You need to meet each other's friends, family, and co-workers. You need to experience good times and stressful ones together. Once you do, decide what your expectations are for your relationship. Be open and honest. How much commitment are you willing to give each other? This clarity is important to minimize misunderstanding.

* Trust
Once you can determine if you are both on the same level of investment in the relationship, trust and honesty become paramount to the success of your future. These elements are at the heart of all lasting unions, but distance challenges the security of your connection.

* Communication
Be dedicated to the way you stay in touch. Phone calls, emails, and chatting on-line are important. Set up a regular time to visit with each other, building a routine. But add some surprises such as, homemade videos, collected poems put in a special book, or self-decorated greeting cards. Stretch your imagination further with a lock of your hair in a unique box; an absorbent piece of cloth with your perfume or after-shave scent; your favorite flower, pressed and framed. If the other person does not call often, make time for you, or send appropriate communications, do not hang on. Let go and get on with your life.

* Plan your reunions.
Decide where to meet, how often, and how you want to spend the time when you see each other. Be very clear about what your expectations are for the time you have together. This is where many relationships break down. His idea of the perfect weekend could be sitting in front of the TV with her at his side, watching football. Hers could be visiting friends, attending a romantic movie, and later sharing secrets of the heart. He may expect her to cook his dinner; she may expect him to take her out. We all have old scripts that play out in new relationships, and unless we communicate what we want from each other, this is a recipe for misunderstandings and hurt feelings.

Finally, decide how long you want to live apart, and set a date for the move. It is true that when one of you moves to the other one's town, you are taking a risk. However, most people say that even when it doesn't work out, at least they gave love a chance. They didn't want to spend their life longing to be somewhere else, continuing--a long distance relationship.

Long Distance Relationships: How to Keep the Love Alive by Tonja Weimer

Important Alpha Male Tips to Attract Women

Before we can lay out the tips, it is important that we are clear on exactly what an alpha male actually is. Contrary to popular internet belief, they are not the ones who are loudest, rudest and obnoxious men on the block. They don't usually start fights or try to try to intimidate other guys around them. That guy is just an everyday common bully, and next to a real alpha, he comes across as just insecure and a bit sad.

If you really want to be on the top of your game, I'll give you some tips to help you get there, but you'll have to be willing to leave behind any dating 'tricks' you may have tried in the past and look at things from a totally different perspective. Now let's get started.

In animals, there is no confusion about who is the alpha, because the order of the group is entirely determined by genes. The male that is the biggest, strongest and healthiest in the herd will be the alpha. Luckily for all of us, the 'human animal' has evolved past this stage, and developed a new criteria for what it means to be an alpha male.

First of all, our society doesn't have one type of alpha that is the single ruler of everything. This is important to realize, because it makes things easier for you. I recently read an article in which the writer used the example of how in some environments, the alpha male would be different depending on what you were measuring by. It could be the president if you measured political power; it could be the head of the military if you measured 'muscle' power; or it could be the richest man in the country if you measured financial power.

It is important to understand that you don't have to strive to be 'the' alpha male, but rather 'an' alpha male. In human society, you don't need to concern yourself too much with the other males around you; you don't have to compete with them to be an alpha, you only need to focus on what you are doing.

The best alpha male tips to attract women all involve building up your confidence. The alpha is completely comfortable in his own skin. He doesn't make excuses for who he is; he doesn't feel the need to prove to anyone how tough he is; and he certainly doesn't need to compete with or intimidate other guys. Why? Simple; he doesn't feel threatened by them.

In human culture, a confident leader doesn't need to fight for attention; he naturally has the attention of others and he doesn't feel insecure if someone else is in the spotlight.

Women are always drawn to the alpha male, not because of the way he looks or his cocky behavior, but because he radiates confidence and control. He makes women feel safe and protected. The guy who beats up other guys in bars doesn't -- women see guys like this as 'loose canons,' and they doesn't inspire confidence in those around him.

If you start working on your confidence you'll have a big advantage over most other guys out in the dating scene. Feeling confident always comes from within and never from outside of you. The better you feel in your own skin, the closer you are to becoming an alpha male.

Accepting both your strengths and weaknesses equally will lead to this kind of confidence. And here's one the best alpha male tips you can learn: if you adopt confident behavior, you will quickly learn to 'feel' confident internally. In other words: 'fake it 'til you make it.'

So hold your head up high and 'model' the behavior of other confident males. This is the easiest way to 'become' an alpha yourself.

Important Alpha Male Tips to Attract Women by Jon Mercer

How To Impress Any Woman

I've learned a secret to impressing women that I'm going to share with you. It's a secret that probably not 1 in 1,000 men know or will ever figure out on his own. The reason that most men will never figure out this particular secret is that it's too obvious.

Let me explain.

I personally think that most men feel a very powerful desire to IMPRESS women. If you watch the way a man behaves when he's talking to a woman he's just met or a woman that he's on a first date with, you can see it. Maybe you've been there yourself.

I know I have. Many, many times, in fact. The feeling that you need to impress a woman usually comes along with another feeling: don't screw this up.

Here are some of the signs that a guy is feeling the need to 'impress' the woman that he's talking to:

1) He tries to only say 'cool' things, or things that will 'impress' the woman.
2) He acts nervous and stilted during the conversation. sometimes coming across as 'formal'.
3) He tries to figure out what the woman wants to hear.
4) If he says something that the woman doesn't like, he 'back-pedals' and tries to change what he said to suit the woman.
5) He doesn't say anything 'risky', doesn't tease the woman, and doesn't do anything to upset her.

In other words, when a guy is talking to a woman that he 'likes', he's usually on his 'best behavior', and he's trying to 'put his best foot forward'. To say it again, men feel a powerful drive to impress the woman that they like. And this drive to impress often makes them act unnatural.

There's your first hint, in fact. Well, here it is: stop trying!

If you will just stop trying to impress women, and do the things I'm teaching you instead, women will naturally be 'impressed' by you. Trying to impress a woman doesn't impress her. So let's break this down.

What's wrong with trying to 'impress' women, anyway? When you intentionally try to impress a woman, you send the following messages on a 'subtle' level:

1) I don't think you'll like me for who I am, so I will try to 'impress' you instead.
2) I'm not comfortable enough around women to just act normal.
3) I don't have a lot of experience with attractive women.
4) I'm insecure.
5) I don't know how to make women feel comfortable with me.

But it's the truth. Women can tell instantly when you're 'trying'. The conversation doesn't feel 'normal', your body language is strange, and you can't seem to have a regular conversation.

Now of course, I've just described the way that about 99.9999 of men act when they're first talking to a woman that they 'like'. Are you ready for a profound insight?

Most men do this with most attractive women most of the time. In other words, it's old news. It's boring. It's predictable. And it does not impress at all.

The bottom line is that trying to impress a woman usually has the opposite effect. It not only makes you look like a nervous guy who can't make normal conversation. It also bores the hell out of women.

What to do instead? OK, so you're out having a cup of tea with a beautiful woman you just met a few days before. She asks you what you do for a living. Should you answer with:

1) 'Well, I'm an engineer for a software company that makes sophisticated vector widget plotting algorithms. I've been with them for three years, and I'm about to be promoted to algorithm manager.'

2) 'I do stunt work. Have you ever seen it in a movie when a hot actor has to reveal his naked ass? That's my job.'

Well, it all depends on what your outcome is. If you want to try and impress the girl with your cool high-tech job, then #1 will work just fine. Unfortunately, it won't impress her at all, and it will make you sound like a jackass who is trying to sound cool. If you want to actually impress her, try #2.

Most men don't have the balls to say something like this when a woman asks a 'serious' question like 'What do you do?'.

If you REALLY want to make a long-lasting impression, keep the humor going. She'll say 'No, really... what do you do?'.

Answer with: 'No, really. Haven't you ever seen it when an actor needs a stunt ass? I mean hey... someone's got to do it'.

Now, I can't possibly go into all the reasons why it's a huge mistake to try to impress a woman, or to feel like everything you say should be 'impressive'.

There are many reasons for this. More importantly, there are a few things you can do that will instantly impress a woman. And I mean really impress her. But these things aren't obvious.

The most important thing you can do to impress a woman is make her feel a powerful emotional attraction for you. This feeling will stay with her long after you have left and gone home. And it's the one thing that will make women pursue you and try to impress you.

How To Impress Any Woman by  Martin Chandra

How to Get Girls: Become a Natural

If you want to learn how to get girls, the great news is that you can do one even better than that. You can get girls to want to pick you up.

The secret lies in becoming a natural with girls. A 'natural' is a guy who can attract almost any girl he interacts with. He can also get girls on dates anytime he pleases. I know that may sound far-fetched, but here's the reality:

a) Almost all guys are naturally attracted to physically good-looking girls. If a beautiful girl walks into a room, you can bet that all the guys in the room will be sexually attracted to her.

b) Almost all girls are naturally attracted to certain male behaviors and personality traits. If a confident guy walks into a room, regardless of his looks, you can bet that all the girls will feel a certain level of sexual attraction for him.

He'll then need to ensure that he continues to behave in an attractive way if he wants his pick of the best girls available. For example: Being confident, being great at conversation, getting along with others in social situations, being an alpha male, knowing how to flirt and use humor, displaying attractive body language - and so on.

If he doesn't behave in an attractive way, he simply won't be able to attract and maintain the interest of the best girls and will almost always have to settle for second best...or nothing at all.

The great news is that when you develop the behaviors and personality traits that naturally attract girls, you will attract girls without having to think about it. Some of the common questions I get at this point:

1. How long will it take me to get to the point of being a natural? How long it takes to become a natural depends entirely on:

a) How committed you are to achieving this goal. For example: You may be really excited about learning to become successful with girls. Yet, if you don't actually approach any girls with the knowledge and advice I give you, not much will change and the 'magic' of The Flow will not work for you.

Commitment in this area involves taking risks. By risks, I mean doing things that are outside your comfort zone. For example: Approaching girls in bookstores might be outside your comfort zone. However, in this e-Book you will learn exactly what you need to do to successfully meet, attract and date girls that you meet in bookstores (and any other place for that matter!).

You will have the knowledge. You will know how to do it. But will you?

b) What your 'follow-through' is like. The guys that have achieved the most success with learning how to get girls are those who have followed-through by:

1) Going out to socialize at least 2 nights per week to work on the areas that require improvement.
2) Keeping an active list of the areas that are 'achieved' and those which 'need some work.'
3) Spending plenty of time and energy to ensure that they are integrating effective mindsets.

Here's a useful exercise to accelerate your progress:

a) Buy a notepad to write on.
b) At the end of each reading session, set aside 5 minutes to briefly write down what you have learnt, in your own words. Writing it in your own words helps with remembering it.
c) Go out and practice what you have learnt, by interacting with girls.
d) On the last 5-10 pages of the notepad, make a list of areas that you have 'achieved' and those which 'need some work.'

For example: Achieved - I am now great at approaching girls and starting up simple conversations. My body language is a lot more confident now.

Needs some work - My conversations need to include more flirting. I need to maintain more eye-contact when interacting with girls. When I started to write things down, I got more focused and achieved my goals faster. It's up to you.

c) The level at which you are starting this journey. Okay, this is a big one too.

The reality is that some of you reading this may have been in a number of relationships, never been with a girl, rarely approached girls, only been with girls who have 'picked you up' (i.e. they basically handed themselves on a platter to you), you've been married and the list goes on.

But, it doesn't really matter how many girls you've been with. What matters is this: Are you currently doing the things that naturally attract girls to you? Are you currently approaching girls in the correct way and then progressing things toward a date?

If not, then you must decide to take action. Learn all the things you need to do to attract girls, such as: Building confidence, mastering your conversation skills and learning how to flirt.

How to Get Girls: Become a Natural by Dan Bacon

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Ways to Impress Girls: 3 Hot Ideas to Impress Girls and Make Them Fall in Love With You

With so many ladies and so many options available, what are the best ways to impress girls? If you have little or no experience when it comes to these kinds of situations, have no fear. It’s not too late to learn, and it’s not that difficult either.
There are various ways to impress girls. If you’re ready for a crash course, then read on!

1) Consider who she is.

Try to get to know your girl a little better. While there are different ways to impress girls, remember that girls are not created the same.

Forget about the sugar and spice and everything nice poem.  Not all girls like flowers. Not all girls like sweet stuff. Observe the kind of people your girl hangs out with, and then deduce your next strategy from there.

2) Learn how to cook.

Girls are usually impressed by guys who can cook. Some men might feel embarrassed about this, but having a culinary skill is a great advantage.

It’s not often that girls come across guys who know how to use a skillet. Regardless of what kind of girl you’re vying attention for, give her the opportunity to taste your cooking. Believe me, this is one of the most effective ways to impress girls.

There’s a saying, “The only way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” This saying is applicable to women too.

3) Chivalry is not dead.

Don’t forget to act gentlemanly all the time. And don’t make the mistake of being arrogant about it either.

You can offer to carry her things or help an old woman cross the street. Even if she doesn’t want a guy to do things for her, she will nevertheless appreciate it when you do this for others. If you happen to be riding the bus or the train, offering your seat to a lady or a senior citizen is one of the well-known ways to impress girls.

Girls are not always impressed by material things. They are more sincere, and tend to look for meaningful relationships compared to guys. So you don’t have to be a millionaire to sweep them off their feet. All you have to do is apply the 3 ways to impress girls revealed in this article, and be your own sincere self. Things will go smoothly from there.

Ways to Impress Girls: 3 Hot Ideas to Impress Girls and Make Them Fall in Love With You by Michael Lee

Guys Like Girls With These Four Features

Do you know what four features men find most attractive in women? You may think it is four physical features in how women look that guys like, and though the outward presentation may draw him to her, that is not what keeps him there.

Feature #1: Energy

Guys like girls with energy that is upbeat, confident, and nurturing. Nurturing is feminine and that is the energy that a guy cannot resist. If you laugh a lot, like to get out and do things, enjoy cooking and keeping a nesty home, and are confident in yourself and your work, it doesn't matter what you look like. If you have a sense of humor and a heart of forgiveness; and if you understand boundaries and don't let people take advantage of you, your energy is magnetizing! Your positive energy allows you to see the good in others and to give compliments freely and honestly. You could look like Godzilla but it doesn't matter: guys cannot stay away from you.

Feature #2: Handled Baggage

Guys like girls to come to a date with their baggage handled. If they have to spend more than 20 per cent of their time listening to your problems, and how some jerk did you wrong, they don't want to be there. Bring your old relationships to a satisfying completion. Mend fences, tell others goodbye, and deal with your unfinished business. Problem issues from your past, known as baggage, will weigh you down. Whatever you haven't cleaned up or cleaned out, you will carry with you. A strong foundation is one where you have mourned your losses, let go of destructive people, asked for forgiveness, and forgiven others.

Feature #3: Handle Your Money

Guys like girls who are 'grown up' and have handled their money, which shows they are not trolling for a sugar daddy. This is the feature that many singles want to skip over and find someone else to handle for them. Handle your money problems, once and for all. Get your career on track, pay your debts before you spend for anything else, and live BELOW your means. Until you do this, you are not ready to be a partner for anyone. To further put this feature in place, look for ways to earn more and spend less.

Feature #4: Values

Finally, guys like to date girls who have values. What characteristics do you value the most in others? Is it loyalty, honesty, humor, kindness, or fairness? Whatever you find most important, if you are not honoring that quality in your own life, you will never be happy. Usually, when people are stuck in their lives and can't figure out why they do not feel totally fulfilled, they have to search for the missing value. I have a client who was miserable in her life. After months of discussion, she finally revealed that she was trying to ignore the evidence that her boyfriend was not honest at his job. She was conflicted in her feelings for him and the way he avoided answering any questions about his business. She was emotionally crumbling under the weight of living with someone who was not honest.

The truth about values is that you may think you can ignore what you really believe in, but when you do, you will never feel quite right in your life. There will be this nagging, nagging little voice that constantly hovers around you and whispers in your ear, reminding you that something is wrong.

These are the four features that will have guys lined up at your door to date you: your positive energy, your baggage handled, your finances in order, and good strong values. When you have these in order, all you have to do is get out there and let them know you. When you have the four features listed above--you can have your pick!

Guys Like Girls With These Four Features by Tonja Weimer

How You Can Get Your Girl Friend to Become Your Girlfriend

Let me ask you a question:

Do you secretly like one of your female friends?

If so, you're not alone...
Many guys harbor feelings for one of their girl friends. In addition to being physically attracted to this woman, they want to be in a great relationship with her.

Unfortunately many guys make the mistake of expressing their feelings for their female friends. This never works because most women don't carry romantic thoughts about the guys in their lives.

Now if you're convinced that you want to turn that one girl in your life into your girlfriend, then I urge you to take a look at this 5 step system I'm about to reveal.

However, I have to tell you that these techniques can be little intense. So if you 're not ready to 'shake things up' then read no further...

Step 1- Don't act like a woman's friend when you first meet

My first recommendation is to never act like a woman's friend when you first meet.

Rather then acting like her buddy when you first meet a woman, you should act like a potential dating partner. In other words, do the specific things that will place you in the 'boyfriend' category instead of the 'friend' category.

For instance, if you're the guy who is always there for her and listens to her like one of her girl friends, then she'll think of you as a girlfriend. If you want a woman to think of you as a potential dating partner, then your actions should demonstrate a confident and sexual manner from the moment you meet her.

Step 2- Remove yourself from her

Now if you're in a situation where you're 'one of her friends' then you have to take a drastic action...

STOP hanging out with her!

This means you cease all 'friend' activities:

* Stop calling her

* Don't email her

* Stop hanging out with her

Your focus here is to keep yourself at an emotional distance from her while you start working on the next few steps.

Now my advice is to not be a jerk about avoiding her. However, you should suddenly become a 'really busy' guy who doesn't any time to hang out with her. So you can call her back if she's trying to get in contact with you. But make sure you're returning her calls on YOUR terms, not hers.

Bottom line is you need to stop acting like one of her girlfriends.

Step 3- Start Dating other women

When you've stopped talking this girl, you should start dating other women. In order for this entire whole process to work, you must make a decision about this woman.

Either you can stay friends or try to work towards making her your girlfriend.

When you date other women, you'll develop a confident attitude about your abilities with women. In essence, you'll see how she compares with other women. Perhaps you'll even discover that she's not as special as you once thought.

Step 4- Contact her after a period of time

Now that you've dated a couple of women, you should come to a decision about your 'girl friend'. You should choose to remain friends with her or attempt to develop a physical relationship. If you decide to want to make her your girlfriend, then you try to get back in her life.

Once you start to talk to her, you have to act like a potential dating partner, not like one of her female friends. In other words, you should act a confident and sexual guy who she would want to date.

Step 5- Treat her like a woman

Now that you're talking to this woman again, you need to behave in a way that'll make her attracted to you. This means asking her on dates, flirting with her and treating her like a woman.

The more you act like a MAN, the more she'll regard you as a potential dating partner.

Making your friend in your girlfriend is a hard thing to accomplish. Women typically classify men into two categories: friend or boyfriend. So if she only looks at you like one of her buddies, then you have to transform yourself into the kind of man she'll want to date.

While these five steps may seem a bit extreme, they're your best hope for getting her to like in a sexual way.

How You Can Get Your Girl Friend to Become Your Girlfriend by Scott Patterson

Online Dating Questions: What Should I Ask a Prospective Match?

Online dating can be loads of fun.

Since the beginning, the online dating world has brought people together who would never have met in any other way. Online dating makes it easy to find prospective matches and to make true love connections.
Still, there are precautions that each online dating participant needs to take, and there are specific questions that each person should ask their prospective matches before they agree to meet or even to share any personally identifiable information.

It's important to keep in mind that online dating is best seen as a systematic process. It works best when you perceive it as a continuous process by which you select and receive representations of potential matches. If you find someone in whom you are interested, it is still a process as you get to know one another.

To be on the safe side, you need to retain your anonymity during this entire process until you are absolutely sure that the person you are communicating with is being honest with you. It is very important to know which questions to ask so you can get a better idea of whom you are really talking to.

Here are a few online dating questions that you should ask your prospective match to determine his or her personality and attitude. These questions are designed to help you get the information you need to make a determination about a person's true personal convictions.

Make sure that, when you ask these questions, they are not perceived to be confrontational in any way. Try to be as natural as possible when posing these questions, and make sure you are ready to answer the questions when they are posed to you, as well.

1. What do you think is the biggest mistake that people make when they are brand new to online dating?

Asking this question will give you some insight into how the person thinks about potential mates. You may get some insight into what the person thinks, in general, about the opposite sex, as well as what their personal beliefs might be when it comes to relationships.

2. What are you looking for in a potential mate?

When you ask this question, you can get an idea of what kind of traits the person is looking for. If the person answers the question with a joke or with another question directed back to you, it may be a sign that they don't really know. Or it may be a sign that he or she is not looking for a long-term relationship at all.

3. How would you define a successful relationship? What does a good relationship look like to you?

It is amazing how many different ways this question can be answered. For example, some people may say that a good relationship means spending every day together. For others, a good relationship is one in which each person has a degree of freedom and autonomy in daily life. It's important to discern both what you enjoy in a relationship as well as to know what your prospective mate would most enjoy.

4. What do you think about online dating?

With this question, you'll be able to determine if the person you are connecting with has ever had any negative experiences in the online dating world, as well as what might have caused these types of experiences.

5. Why did your last relationship end?

This is a touchy one. Many of us are likely to blame the other person for the end of a relationship. But others place the blame entirely on themselves. Find out your prospective mate's relationship history in as natural (and non-confrontational) a way as possible.

Asking good questions will give you an advantage in finding someone with whom you are truly compatible. Start with questions like the ones above, and when you come across more good relationship questions, make note of them and continue to pose them to prospective mates until you find someone who is just right for you.

Online Dating Questions: What Should I Ask a Prospective Match? by Jamie Jefferson

How To Hold A Girl's Hands

Are you looking for opportunities to connect with a girl? Then holding her hand is the perfect means of reaching out to her. Whether you are beginning a relationship or growing it, here are three sure ways to connect and hold her hand.

Gimme Five

Gimme five is a classic opportunity to hold hands. Well, technically, you don't hold hands, but touch hands, and that should be a good start. Use this technique if you are not entirely sure about your feelings towards a girl, or if you are still testing the waters.

As you go on about your friendship, there will be an opportunity to connect, to feel without committing, to see if sparks will fly. When you share a victorious moment, say winning a foosball game or finishing a project, ask the girl to give you five by holding out your palm facing up and say, 'Gimme five!' With such a friendly and risk-free move, she will definitely oblige. As soon as she slaps your hand, momentarily close your eyes and savor the experience. If you felt sparks, then she's definitely a keeper. If not, then don't lose hope, there are other opportunities to physically connect with her and test if the relationship is headed somewhere.

I Got You

This opportunity to hold a girl's hand arises when the girl is about to overcome an obstacle and would need support, say as she alights from a vehicle or flight of stairs or when leaping across a puddle of water. Do the following:

As the girl is about to embark on the activity, look into her eyes and convey, without words, that you are there for her. If she's looked away and is concentrating on the obstacle in front of her, then bravely declare that you are there by saying, 'I got you' or ' here,' and simultaneously hold out your hand with the palms up and fingers slightly cupped. No girl can resist a helping hand and an assured voice.

As she takes your hands, you will feel that she will cup her hands onto your palms, as if securing herself on you and may put on some weight, especially when she's on her way down.

Respond by securely cupping your fingers and locking your elbows and shoulders to accept the added weight that she will put on you. Just be conscious not to grip too hard, as she may feel a strain if her hands are squeezed too tight.

As she overcomes her obstacle, gently ease the grip, but don't let go of her hands just yet. This is a decision moment for you, whether to take the opportunity to continue holding her hand, or to let her go and hope for a next time.

If you decide to hold on, then ease into to the next type of holding hands, for a more comfortable connection.

If you decide to let go, then make sure she remembers the experience. As you ease-up the grip, warm up her hands to convey the honor and pleasure you experienced in the opportunity to secure her. Caress her hand by sliding your thumb on top of her hand or sliding you fingers at the side of her hand. At the same time, ask if she's ok, or if she's ready to go. Soon as she say's she's ok, gently let go and politely bid her to, 'take care on your way,' or 'have a good walk.'

Locked to Me

If you are in a stable relationship, then you know that physical intimacy is part of fostering your bond. Holding hands is an intricate part of your relationship. Whether you do it in private or public, holding hands does not only connect your emotions but enhances it as well. One of the most common types of holding hands is the 'locked to me' way.

This style has to do with interlocking your fingers with hers, as you hold hands. Do this by putting your palms together, as if in prayer.

As your palms align, the fingers will naturally align. However, to be intertwined, pivot your palm slightly sideways and open up the spaces in between your fingers.

As your fingers open up, the girl's fingers will naturally fall into the spaces in between, so both your fingers alternate with each other. Just curl your gingers to the back of the other's palms and your fingers and hands become locked to each other.

As your relationship grows, you may discover other ways of holding hands, and those that will suit yours and her hand type. The important thing is never letting go, for as long as your hands are together, you and her become one.

How To Hold A Girl's Hands by Pick Up Guide

How To Be A Good Boyfriend

A man can easily learn how to be a good boyfriend. All it takes is a little bit of practice and determination to do it. Willingness is the key for any man to learn how to be a good boyfriend. Unfortunately not all men are willing to study and do what it takes to be a good boyfriend.

Most men foolishly adopt a ‘love me or leave me' attitude wherein they are too stubborn to admit their shortcomings. These are usually the type of men that bank on the frailty of most women, the kind of women who would rather die than be left alone without a man.

However, men of this character must be living in the dark ages, as many women today would not tolerate this type of behavior. The modern woman of today is more discerning. Any man who would want to be in a relationship with her would certainly have to brush up on how to be a good boyfriend in order to keep her interested.

Fortunately there are still a lot of men who believe in giving their best in a relationship. These men take the initiative in learning how to be a good boyfriend to their significant other. And in the end reap the rewards of their labor with a loving and satisfying relationship.

Learning How to be a Good Boyfriend

Learning how to be a good boyfriend has a lot of advantages not just for women but also for men. A man that makes an effort to learn how to be a good boyfriend can look forward to a better and stronger relationship with their partner. An appreciative girlfriend will most likely shower her man with more love and affection than before. In addition, there will probably be less nagging that will surely be a welcome respite for any man.

However if a man still experiences the same type of treatment even after learning how to be a good boyfriend then there is something wrong. It would be a good idea to assess the relationship at this point. Perhaps the man is not to blame and the fault lies elsewhere.

Keep in mind that there are some women in the world that cannot be content unless they are nagging or criticizing something. At this point, a man may want to think if the relationship is still worth pursuing or if it would be time to move on and probably find someone who would appreciate them better.

A Guide on How to be a Good Boyfriend

A good boyfriend knows how to keep his girlfriend happy. Satisfying a woman is a comprehensive plan that does not only involve the sexual aspect of a relationship. A good way to do so is to make her feel special by complimenting her on how well she looks.

Women do their best to look pretty for their man and a little flattering remark goes a long way to show her that her efforts are appreciated. It is also a good idea for a man to evaluate his own physical appearance. As a woman takes the time to look good for her man therefore a man should also look good for his woman.

To show respect for her and her family is a trait of a good boyfriend that every man should adopt. A well-mannered man is polite and nice to his girlfriend's family. Women are particularly appreciative of a man that accepts and loves her family. Communication is a vital part of every relationship. Women cherish a man who listens and pays attention to what they have to say.

There are no hard and fast rules on how to be a good boyfriend. And learning how to be a good boyfriend is not easy. The enthusiasm to learn must be present. It is also important to be comfortable and at ease with oneself when undertaking such an education.

Being true to oneself is an important part of the learning process. A man forced into learning how to be a good boyfriend can develop negative emotions that would not be healthy for the individual and for the relationship. If a man were not interested in learning then he would only be fooling himself and his partner.

How To Be A Good Boyfriend by My Relationship Tips

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Asking a woman for a date on the street

We are now going to talk about a subject that puts fear into most men. Trying to chat a girl up on the street! There are numerous problems with this method, number being what the hell are you supposed to say?

Well 'hi' would be a good start, but after that what? You don't want to say 'Hi' and then just stand there with nothing else to say do you. Well this is were the numbers game comes into play. You are going to tell her your name and that you noticed her and would she like to have a coffee with you now! Yes now, not sometime, not next week, now!

The reason you say now is a lot of girls may just girl you a fake number or something without even giving you a chance but if you go for a coffee there and then she has a chance to get to know you and you her. Hell, you might decide she is boring and you are not interested.

Now using this approach a whole lot of girls are going to say no or that they have a boyfriend etc. You are going to get rejected a lot but don't feel bad. If there is one thing that girls love then it is confidence and there is nothing more ballsy then going to to a girl in the street and asking her out for a coffee.

So try it I think you'll be surprised at just how many dates you can get this way. A lot of the girls will turn you down out of shock because they are not used to being asked out in the middle of the street but some girls will say 'sure' simply because your confidence in asking them out in the street impressed them. Now you just need to keep them entertained while having a coffee and your good to go.

I'll admit it, you need a lot of balls to try this, but what have you got to lose? You will not see these people again and after a couple of rejections you will get used to it. Just look at it as a game and don't think of rejection as a personal insult and you will be fine.

Asking a woman for a date on the street by Zac Harding

Four Hot Signs Of Attraction

In today's society, beauty, physical attraction, and sexuality are all commonly misunderstood as some transcendent inevitable fact; falsely interlocking the three makes it seem doubly true that in order to initiate attraction between a man and a woman, both sexes should be beautiful to be sexual.

That of course is not true at all. The definitions of beautiful, attraction, and sexual constantly change to serve the social order, and the connection between the three ideas is a recent invention.

Some psychologists contend that the disparity among the concepts of beauty, attractions, and sexuality is based on the premise that both sexes are inclined to physical or sexual attraction because women are able to view men just as men view women, as subjects for sexual and aesthetic evaluation.

In a survey conducted by an 'evolutionary psychologist,' from 10,000 individuals who were interviewed, it was found out that men have high-regards to physical attraction in their budding sexual mates, while women attach importance to prominence, goals, and monetary sources.

No wonder why most cases of attraction are all based on sexuality and physical attributes. This is because men and women would rather have their significant others physically and sexually capable of giving them their necessities.

For instance, men are attracted to women who look good because this indicates excellent vigor and the capacity to produce offspring babies. On the other hand, women are attracted to men who look good because this indicates abundance in financial resources, in which, the ability to provide the basic necessities to their children is generated.

The point here is that both men and women may have their own basis for attraction but everything is generally focused on the physical and material aspects. This is because attraction is associated with the fact that the physical attributes motivate that part of the brain known as the 'hypothalamus' that will produce different kinds of reactions from the body such as sexual arousal, increased heart rate, and perspiration.

So the question now is: How can the individual identify the clear signs of attraction?

There are many probable actions that might suggest attraction. However, the real signs include but not limited to the following:

1. Visual contact

This is when both a man and a woman gazed upon each other and instantly prolonged the moment as they look at each other longer than the typical glance.

Both are completely immersed on each other's anecdote, and every word will impress them both. All eyes are glued to each other that send a message that they are drawn to each other.

2. Preen

Preening means to adorn oneself carefully or to groom oneself with particular attention to details. Hence, attraction sets in when both would try to instantly make a quick fix and conquer each other's space.

3. Flirting

Teasing could have been the more appropriate term for it. This is when both sexes converse in a relaxed manner, with bodily actions associated to their thoughts and feelings, where, most often than not, sexual tensions and arousal are the primary upshots.

4. Physical contact

This is when a woman leans to wards the man and places a modest hand on his hand or arm. In this way, the woman is trying to tell the other person that she is attracted to him and that she is open to possibilities that involve the concerned person.

All of these things are boiled down to the fact that the asymmetry of the correlation among beauty, attraction, and sexuality that tells both men and women lies on how they both perceive each other's physical attributes. This is inevitable because the lack of it will definitely keep them sexually estranged.

Attraction is generally focused on imagery that is exclusively on the physical attributes of both men and women, where the society has created a very important role. This goes to show that the signs of attraction indicate the clear identification of desirability.

Given all that, both men and women should make the choice, by and large, to take each other as human beings first and not just mere sexual objects.

It should be well noted that these signs of attraction may be well confined on the premise that both men and women send out these signs as a ticket to conquer each other's space so as to start the 'getting-to-know-each-other' stage.

Four Hot Signs Of Attraction by Pick Up Guide

How To Make A Girl Fall In Love With You

Let's get started. Getting a girl of your dreams is much like getting the car of your dream. But unlike a car which you can always bargain for, there is nothing like a 20 percent discount in courting the girl of your dreams, she's so sweet a thing to be discounted, you dearly are in love with her and your feelings for her can only be communicated not by the words of the mouth, but by the words of the heart. Getting the girl actually depends on how big your heart is - faint heart, never won fair lady.

The first dating idea for any man is to make a good impression. In your doing so, you don't have to talk, dress or do the common things that all the Toms do to get a decent girl's attention. Be unique, that's all you need. Be a man of his own style. Dress decently - indecency can make one be mistaken for arrogance; watch your language - obscene language gives the impression of immaturity, being uncultured and cheap; be a man of good habits - don't drink or smoke like any other loser.

How to make her fall in love with you? Take your time. Add some romance to your dating style. When in College I had a crush on the most beautiful lady in our first year lot. Though all senior guys were out to get that girl, I managed to divert her attention from the other guys. I wrote her three letters without disclosing my identity and slid into her room secretly; all I said was 'Yours Secret Admirer.' The first letter contained the meaning of her name, this I got by playing around with the initials of her name to make meaning. The second was a funny message that could only be read backwards and it was all about her physique and her smartness. In the third letter I told the girl to be ready to receive a rose flower from her admirer, but only if she could be kind enough to phone him using a number that I had included in the letter. The girl did phone me that very night, and her first words to me were, 'Hallo Secret Admirer.' So, the story of our love affair came to be. Later she told me that was so creative of me, no one had approached her in that manner. I made her fall in love with me and made a date in the romantic manner.

Befriending and understanding the girl you are out to get is the next important thing. This is what I also did. You have to understand that as a lady, she loves to be loved, adores to be adored and needs to be needed. This will move you closer to the girl and you'll get to know what she's into, what she likes and dislikes, and what her style is. Love is built upon friendship and it always leaves individuals better off having known each other should they break up. I and my College steady were to break some time later but to date, we are the best of buddies. Be sure that bringing out the selflessness friend in you will make her create room for you in her heart.

A shoulder to lean on and some good friend that she can always turn to is all that a lady wants. Please don't hesitate to be helpful and supportive. Be that friend who rekindles her zeal of hardworking and restoring hope back into her life when she looses hope. This above all other things will make you her daily vitamin simply because you bring out the best in her in terms of personality and character. In you, she'll have found that friend whom she can open up to, share with and advice each other on the rights and wrongs, the dos and don'ts of life. Don't forget to always be there to celebrate the good times, and to lend an ear when the girl needs you to listen as a friend.

Make the girl feel special; because she's someone's friend - your friend, and let her know that she too has touched your life in a unique way like no one else could. Compliment her for her company and for being there when you needed her, when you felt sad and all alone. Show appreciations for the comfort the girl offers you and for making you smile.

In your day to day talks, share your dreams, your world, and every aspect of your life with your girl. Always dream with her, build with her, and always cheer her on and encourage her. Tell your girl how you always think about her even when you try not to think about her. Let the girl know that she's your first thing in the morning and the last thing when you go to bed at night.

Her knowing that you were thinking of her when you slipped beneath the softness of your blanket and gave in to the bliss of sweet dreams, will make her go 'my my' and her heart will sing your name all the year round.

You have to be creative and constructive to keep girl's interest in you so full of life. I remember one time I told my girlfriend to be to imagine we are both deaf and dump. We then sat opposite each other on the table and started sharing our feelings for each other using eyes and hand signs. It turned out to be some fun. There was also this time that we were in the library and we decided we are not going to speak to each other verbal, so I wrote a love note on a paper and passed it across the table to her, she replied and on and on we carried on our love on paper conversation till we almost exhausted a whole rim of paper. At sometime, I noticed that some guys sited with us on the table were enjoying our ordeal than their studies. Such are the things that made the girl embrace my world. I remember her suggesting that we play deaf and dump two years after we broke up, can you imagine that?

Never fail to phone her, even when she least expects it. I once called some girl that I was interested in at four o'clock in the morning. When inquiring of what I was doing up so early, I told her I was in thirteenth heaven, where people think of their loved ones when they can't sleep. Wow! First thing early the next morning, she was at my door with a king-sized hug for me. No matter how many dates you take her, don't make any elbow - exceeding moves after any date, just drop her home and with a friendly handshake, wish her good night. Don't kiss her when she expects you to. Your respect as a gentleman will be earned on how patient you are with her when it comes to such matters as kissing her and accessing her inner graces.

The writing is on the wall that you want her, but you can't have her just yet. Increase your demand. Try to show her that men are also hard to get at times. Make her realize that when she feels a little dizzy, a little tired, a little sad, a little sick, a lot bored and very much cold, she's actually missing vitamin you. By this time, she'll be so much into you and since love is truthful and is characterized by open and honest communication, honestly promise her your everlasting devotion, loyalty, respect, and your unconditional love for a lifetime. Prove to her that you'll always be there for her, to listen and to hold her hand, and that you'll always do your best to make her happy, and feel loved.

Remember, patience is the key to her heart; be like that gardener watching a fruit as it hangs on the tree, day after day admiring it, but, exercising tremendous self-discipline, neither feeling the fruit, nor pinching it, nor testing it to see if it is ready. And then, one day he holds out his hand and the fruit simply drops into it, ripe, warm and eager to be eaten.

The patience and self-control which you practice will make you more attractive and charming. This will qualify you as her daily vitamin and win you that heart hers.

I wish you to meet the girl of your dreams ASAP, make her fall in love with you, and make her feel the happiest girl in the world!

How To Make A Girl Fall In Love With You by Vlad Karl

Important Things To Remember When Going Out For Dating

Love and care are such nice things of our lives which we all want to experience. For the quest of true love people want to confine themselves in a relationship of love. They want to find someone with whom they want to live their life with joy and happiness. We all want to be cared, valued and loved. We can experience these things if we can find that special person in our life. Nobody actually tell us, how we can find that person. Going for a dating can be a medium of finding that special one in your life. But, if we are actually interested in relationship then we have to remember certain things when going out for a dating.

Take time to understand the person: 
If you are going for your first dating then you have to give time to yourself to understand the person sitting opposite to you. You should not make any kind of judgment of that person hastily. Keep patience and take time to know the man or woman. Many times it has been seen that we assume a wrong picture of the person in our first meeting. May be the man try to behave very politely to make a good impression but actually he is not like that. It can also be possible that the girl you meet for the first time, is very upset or not in mood for some reason that day and for this reason she could not show her true nature. So, before taking any decision you have to think many times if you are really interested in dating and relationship. 

Talk something which is interesting: 
You have to keep up interesting conversation to that person whom you meet. You should not say any dull or boring statement. You can start the conversation with some general topic. You should let the other person talk. You may have achieved lot of things in your life but it is better not to keep on telling about your own achievements rather if you are going to meet a girl then you can tell any funny experience of your life after some general conversation. 

You should talk freely and with confidence: 
Generally, it has been seen that girls feel shy to interact with the guy at their first dating. In this case the guy should take the initiative in talking otherwise nobody will talk anything. Girls can also start the conversation. So, anyone can start the conversation but the important thing is that one should talk sensible and at the same time with confidence. If you feel nervous and talking insensibly the person opposite to you may not like to meet you further after the first date. 

Feel optimistic before going out for a dating: 
You should feel optimistic before going out for dating. You should not be nervous at all because if you feel nervous you may mistake many things and cannot be able to show your true personality to that guy or girl. So, feel relaxed and positive. 

So, these are the ways in which you can get success in dating. You can be a good PUA or pick up artist and get success in relationship very shortly but if you are searching for a true love then you have to keep patience and confidence in yourself.

Important Things To Remember When Going Out For Dating by Tomaken Chaien

Things Women Look For in a Man

 Most women look for very similar things when looking for a man. The type of man she wants in regards to interests, career, goals, and past may vary, but there are a lot of qualities that every woman wants in a man.

It also depends on what type of relationship the woman is looking for in her life. Women looking for a partner just for sex will want something completely different out of a man then a woman looking for a potential husband. So depending on what kind of relationship you want and she wants, there are some qualities to let shine through.

A Woman Looking For a Casual Relationship

There are many single women who are independent and feel good on their own, but still would like a man for sexual reasons. When she wants a casual relationship with a man then she will be looking for independence and maturity. She will want a man who has his own life and can handle her having her own life as well. And of course she will be looking for a man who knows what he`s doing in bed. The whole point of a causal relationship is pleasure, so he better be able to bring it!

A Woman Looking To Date a Man

This woman will be looking for a man who has all the right qualities to add something to her life. Most women don`t start looking for a semi-serious relationship unless they feel it can add value to their life. A sense of humor to make her feel good and the ability to lift her spirits up and brighten her day is a must in this man. She must also see potential for a long-term partner just in case she decides that's what she wants, but potential is really all she's looking for in that  regards because the qualities are not forthright in her mind yet.

A Woman Looking For a Long-Term Partner

This woman is not just looking to date someone for a while. Her intention is to find a life-long partner. She is going to have an extensive list of qualities that she is looking for and there are many different variables depending on the woman. But there are many qualities that every woman wants in a man including:

Loving - A man who loves her unconditionally.
Caring - A man who cares about her needs and wants in life.
Understanding - A man who understands her needs and wants in life.
Compassionate - A man who treats her well and has compassion towards her and others.
Confident - A man who she doesn't have to mother or babysit in life.
Goal orientated - A man who has dreams and desires and direction in life.
Passionate - A man who gets up and lives life to the fullest.
Tender - A man who understands that romancing her is something she needs in life.
Positive - A man who can see the good in life and avoid negative traps of despair.

You can tell what kind of man most women are looking for by the questions they ask you and conversations they have with you. If she is asking deeper and more intimate questions then there's a good chance that she is looking for something a little more serious. But if she asks less personable questions and keeps the conversation light and in the moment then she is probably not trying to see if you are commitment material.

Things Women Look For in a Man by Bellaisa Filippis

10 Rules to Successful Online Dating

 Online dating can be fun and full of possibilities around each corner but before you jump into online dating for chatting and email replying to potentional dates here are 10 great rules you should abid by:

It could have been a recent breakup and ended relationship that have left you with a feeling of loneliness, sadness and lack of self confidence. Or you chould have experience a recent change such as divorce, graduting collage or moving to a different city but no matter what the circumstance may be it's just sometimes hard to meet new people in person. Here lies the world of online dating where possiblies are endless! Meeting people from any country, any race and location is a click away however there are some do's and dont's to pay attention to that everyone should know:

1. Make Sure To Plan ahead

Determine your goals first help accomplish a successful date. Are you looking for a weekend fling? A one nite stand? Something more serious and trying to find Mr. or Ms. right? By knowning what exactly what you want to do you'll help minimize hurting the feelings of others or find yourself picking up piecing of another person's failed relationship.

2. Ask your friends

Online dating and chat rooms are standard tools for people of all walks of life looking for love or a little fun. Ask your friends what sites have worked for them in the past. Trust the opinions of those you already know rather than choosing a service at random.

3. Take your time, start slow

You may need to spend some time in chat rooms, email correspondence, or even via the telephone before you feel comfortable enough to meet someone. Take your time - there is no rush! Enjoy the process and embrace the excitement.

4. Be Truthful

If you really want to experience success with online dating, you must be honest. While you cannot control the actions of others, maintaining accountability to yourself will thwart the temptation to attach someone else's picture to your profile or lie about your past.

5. Be organized and prioritize

Online dating can be overwhelming. It's a lot easier to browse profiles of individuals that you know are looking for a relationship than to strike up a conversation with someone at the bar. Choose a few of the most interesting profiles, take notes, and limit yourself to corresponding with them at first. You can always look again if they don't work out, and this will avoid too much activity and confusing emotions.

6. Everything you read isn't always true

If he or she sounds too good to be true, it's very possible that you're looking at a bad egg. Take your time getting to know someone. Check their story. If you have arrived to the point where personal information has been revealed, there are ways you can verify details. If a person claims they work at the local community college, you can check the phone directory for their name. Public record is a valuable resource!

7. Chat room etiquette

That old adage "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all" still applies to online dating. Chat rooms often give people a sense of invincibility. When the fingers start flying, things tend to move fast and have the potential to get steamy. Stop. Think. If you wouldn't say it to a complete stranger face-to-face, don't say it at all.

8. Paid online dating service aren't bad

Websites that charge for entering chat rooms or making an online dating profile may turn you off at first glance. You might feel embarrassed or afraid to shell out hard earned money to a dating website; however, you can rest assured that if someone is willing to make the investment it costs to participate in online dating circles, it's possible that they are very serious and willing to go the extra mile for you!

9. Be available

Don't have access to the internet everyday? This might cause problems in the online dating world. Those who try this method of socialization like to think they'll receive quick responses. Be available, consider setting aside a specific time to spend in the chat room, and respond to emails in a timely fashion. Otherwise, you might find your potentials losing interest.

10. Keep safety in mind at all times

When you've gathered your confidence and found somebody you want to meet face-to-face, remember that you don't know what to expect. Meet in a public place. Drive your own car so that you can maintain control of your environment, and leave if you feel uncomfortable. Even if the first date leads to a second, or third, keep in mind that you've only just met, and there is no need to rush.

10 Rules to Successful Online Dating by Eddie Deville

Monday, November 26, 2012

Tips And Tricks For Attracting Men

 Attracting men is easy but many of the magazines make it sound like rocket science. Women do not have to spend thousands on name brand clothing, starve themselves half to death following the latest fad diet or special order pheromone perfumes to attract a little male attention. A little understanding of male psychology can have men eating out of a woman's hand in no time flat.

Though most women today believe that men should lavish them with gifts, one of the simplest ways of attracting men requires a minor role reversal. Women can offer him food or bring him a drink. Her interest will be obvious when he sees how she singles him out with her attention. This only need be done once or twice to piqué his interest.

There is little most men find more attractive than women willing to listen to them talk. Engage him in conversation on a topic he is certain to be interested in. Allow him the opportunity to be the teacher. Ask questions where appropriate and maintain eye contact. Most importantly, act interested even when faking it. Men often use this strategy to attract women, but women can also use it for attracting men.

Men are attracted to curves but women are attracted to straight lines. The problem with ladies' fashion is that the styles are often suited to the taste of the woman who buys the clothing, and not the men that women are trying to tempt. Women can instantly make themselves much more attractive to men by putting on an outfit that shows off their curves.

Women should be blunt about their interest in a man if all else fails to attract his attention. Some guys are just oblivious to flirting, no matter how obvious a woman's advances may be. These men may never get around to asking a woman for a date. Women sometimes have to take matters into their own hands and be the one to do the asking. Some men, even those who may have expressed no particular interest before, may get really interested by a woman with a take charge attitude about dating.

If being blunt about her interest still fails to land a woman a date with her dream boat, there may be other underlying reasons for his disinterest. Perhaps he is already married or in a steady relationship. Maybe she just is not his type. At some point, she may have to simply accept that he is not interested and move on to greener pastures. Women who get too hung up on a single guy who is not responding to her advances can and frequently do miss out on opportunities with others.

Tips And Tricks For Attracting Men by Russell Strider

What Men Want in a One Night Stand

  Why would I write about what men want in a one night stand? So that women can get an idea of what a guy who just wants in their pants looks like - and avoid him.

Many women have entered a one night stand thinking that a relationship was going to come out of it. What a shocker it is when that one night stand only results in tears and frustration!

What Men Look For in a One Night Stand

So when guys are out on the prowl for a one night stand what do they really look for in a girl for their one night of meaningless action?

Sex Appeal

They are looking for a woman who appeals to them sexually. Obviously. But guys differ in their taste of what they find sexually appealing.

Your clothes may be what sets them off onto the "I gotta have this girl tonight!" mode. If you are in a short skirt and low-cut top then many guys are going to view you as a sex symbol more than a potential relationship girl. It's just the way it is!

How can you tell he's interested in your body and not your brain? If a guy approaches you looking at your body and not your eyes then you know they are probably looking for something less than a relationship, and a one night stand is a big possibility in your future. Avoid this guy.

Of course you just may have a rocking body and guys are going to notice that no matter what you wear. But the same rule applies. Guys who can't look you in the eye don't want to get to know you as a person.

One Too Many Drinks in You

Most guys know that they are not going to convince a girl to jump into bed with them and then face the dreaded ditch in the morning. They know that women are smarter than that. So they look for women who have lost their reasoning skills with alcohol or drugs. Then they work their magic that seems appealing to a drunk a girl, and eventually land the one night stand.

If you are going out and you plan to drink then make sure you bring a friend who has your back. A voice of reason will be needed if some jerk starts to woo you with his charm. She or he should be able to convince you of stupid decisions and future consequences.

Low Self-Confidence

This doesn't mean that they only look for a girl with continuous low self-confidence. They also look for a girl who has just suffered from some hurtful event like a breakup, job loss, or anything else that has sent them into a downward spiral.

Guys who try to get laid when they know you are not doing well are not concerned about making you feel better; they just want to take advantage of your vulnerable state. It's no wonder that these type of guys can have sex with you and dump you without feeling bad.

If you are heading out for a night of cheering up with your friends then it's best to avoid guys altogether. You are in a vulnerable state of mind and the guys that are looking for a one night stand will recognize that very quickly. Focus on cheering yourself up first and then head out another night to look for a guy.

What Men Want in a One Night Stand by Bellaisa Filippis

How To Increase Your First Kiss Chances on a First Date

 First dates are notorious for nervous laughter, awkward conversations, and wondering whether or not you should kiss your date. While being nervous and awkward is kind of out of your control to an extent, the first kiss isn’t. It’s whether you choose to lean in for that kiss that decides whether or not it’s going to happen.

Really the decision on whether or not to kiss on the first date is not going to be decided until the end of the date. Not unless you are brave and lean in for a kiss at the beginning of the date, which is probably not a good idea.

Whether you kiss depends on the flow of the date, the chemistry you have, the reaction you are getting from your date, and whether or not you are in a position to do so at the end of the date. You can’t know from the beginning of the date whether it’s going to happen or not, but you can set up the date so it has the best chance of having a good night kiss.

Keep the Date Sexy

You may be tempted to play it cool and not let your date see how much you like them, but if you act overly aloof to your date then they make think you are not interested in them, and the chemistry will not be there for them. Chemistry is important for wanting that first kiss! If you don’t have chemistry then you don’t want to kiss, it’s as simple as that.

Even if you don’t feel the chemistry from the beginning of the date don’t dismiss the chance of it coming during the date sometime. If you act as though you are interested in them then you will create that bond of connection and your chances for a first kiss at the end of the date will increase.

So make sure that you let them know you are interested in them by checking them out once In a while. Also, avoid checking out other people as they walk by as this will definitely turn off your date.

You can also use touch to your advantage and touch them in some way during your date. You can put your hand on their hand quickly or touch them on the arm while you are walking. Any kind of touch is going to send that feeling of electricity through you and them if there is chemistry, and the first kiss will be on both of your minds.

If at the end of the date you decide that they are not the one for you then you don’t have to worry about the first kiss! It’s as easy as that!

How To Increase Your First Kiss Chances on a First Date by Bellaisa Filippis

Easy Online Dating Tips For Men

 There are a number of online dating tips for men that simply do not work. Many people have a skewed view of what women look for when looking at dating profiles, and their advice is often untested or highly anecdotal. Because online dating has been around for a number of years, there are proven facts about the best way to get dates through the internet.

When adding photos to one's unique online profile, it is important to not look boring. Women crave excitement, and will be looking for a partner who is interesting and adventurous. Cell phone pictures taken in the mirror are not an option. Good pictures have the man's face clearly in the picture, often smiling, and often having fun outdoors. Shirtless pictures are only okay if a man has visible abs.

This sort of image is important when writing one's profile as well. Although some activities are good to mention if they make a man look more intellectual, over-emphasis on one's education, thoughts and philosophies are counterproductive. They make the man look overly serious, which is a turn-off for women. Being vague about these details builds an air of mystery. The woman dating online, after all, does not want to read her potential match so openly upon first seeing his profile. There has to be a reason to meet him.

Humor is a great tool to use in the written portion of one's profile. Providing non-serious answers shows that the man has a good sense of humor, and is treating online dating like a serious endeavor. Although there is little stigma attached to internet dating at this point in history, some women are skeptical about their ability to find a match, or are nervous about communicating with strangers. Good humor works to disarm these inhibitions, and thus facilitate better communication and greater attraction over a short period of time.

Perhaps most importantly, a man should always be putting his best self forward at every stage of online dating. Just like in the real world, he should never complain, criticize, or sulk about anything, and always show a calm and bemused demeanor. An over reliance on too many online dating tips for men will show in one's profile, and will work to make one's profile less effective.

The old adage that one should just be themselves has some merit in online dating. One cannot build up a fake persona in their profile if they have any intention of meeting up in the real world. If this is their strategy, they will never get past the first date. The best online dating tips for men should work to make the man's true character shine, rather than help him lie about something he is not.

Would you like to double your dating and relationships? Be sure to visit Your Mandate To Love for a Double Your Dating Book Review.

Easy Online Dating Tips For Men by Russell Strider

Dating Tips

 Some people consider dating one of those necessary “evils” that they need to go through even though it can sometimes lead to not-too-successful experiences.  However, there are those who look at dating as an opportunity to get to know other people and see if they have that chemistry that is often needed in order to pursue something more.  The “something more” can have a variety of definitions, depending on who is being asked, but what follows are a few dating tips that will hopefully make dating as painless as possible and lead to more dates or maybe bring daters one step closer to their happily-ever-afters.

1. Everyone wants to make the kind of positive first impression that is meant to last.  Unfortunately, men and women end up trying much harder than they should have to and could give up the exact opposite impression.  Relax and be as easy going as possible in order to enjoy the other person’s company.

2. Dating is a getting-to-know-you process and a person talking about themselves should be expected.  However, truly successful communication entails knowing when to talk and when to listen.  If the other person seems to be shy, one should not hesitate to ask questions to prompt them to share more interesting details about themselves.

3. It has been said that “Variety is the spice of life” and this is true even in the realm of dating.  Whether it is the very first date or the nth date, coming up with dates that are creative can help light, re-ignite, or fuel that spark to capture and keep someone’s attention.

4. Daters often have their own expectations when it comes to both the person they will be going out with and what the date will be like.  There is nothing wrong with having expectations but overly high ones may lead to being set up for disappointment.  Have fun and try to make the most of the time together.

There are a lot more dating tips that so-called dating experts and family and friends can give but whether someone is completely new to dating game or is trying their luck once again after a failed relationship, the most important thing to remember is to be authentic.  Being authentic does not mean to merely be honest with the other person but to be honest with oneself.  Knowing what both parties want, need, and expect in a relationship helps to better prepare them to either meet those wants, needs, and expectations or to decide to pursue their interests with other people.

Dating Tips by Cedric Loiselle

Dating Tips for College Guys - Do's and Don'ts

 Dating can be a tricky thing, particularly when one is trying it out for the first time in college. Here are a few dating do's and don'ts for college guys looking to get into a serious relationship and snag the college sweetheart of their dreams.


Speak up and be confident- Nothing is more appealing to a girl than a guy who is confident and comfortable in his own skin. Show her that you are this type of guy by speaking up and not being afraid to show who you really are. If you have classes with her, for example, raise your hand frequently and participate in discussions. If you are in the same club or organization, be active and perhaps even take on leadership roles. Let her see that you are 100% self-assured and she will surely be impressed.

Be a gentleman - Look for small opportunities to be a gentleman for your girl. Small and simple gestures like carrying her books, opening her doors and walking her to class can leave a big and positive impression. By being a gentleman towards your girl, you are actually shooting down two birds with one stone-you are making her feel special and you are setting yourself apart from the rest. Never underestimate the power of a small gesture so remember to always be on the look-out.

Introduce her to your friends- By introducing your girl to your friends, you will make her feel both important and appreciated, definitely earning you points in her book. As a bonus, allowing your friends to meet your girl will also give them the chance to get to know her and let you know what they think of her. Allowing your friends to get to know her will also give them the capacity to give you advice on her in case you ever need it.


Slack off on your studies- Although practically all girls love attention, paying too much attention to your girl and not enough on your studies is a definite don't. Since college girls are typically more serious about their lives and their relationships, they are also after guys who would seem suitable to be serious with; in other words, guys who are fun and exciting but at the same time, ambitious and responsible. Show that you are someone worth being taken seriously by taking your studies seriously as well.

Spend too much time with the girl- As tempting as it may be to spend all of your time with your college sweetheart, it is important to keep a healthy amount of time and space apart. Enlisting in the same classes, seeing each other at every break hour and working in the same groups may be fun at first but usually lead to detrimental results. Spending too much time together may cause you two to become tired of each other and frustrated with the relationship. By keeping a healthy amount of time and space apart, the relationship has a better chance of staying new, exciting and fun.

These tips are brought to by your friends at We hope enjoy this article and can use this advice to apply to your dating life and wish you luck on your quest to a true love connection.

Dating Tips for College Guys - Do's and Don'ts by Tom Friedman